Guíe a los hombres a la guerra.

Las tácticas de combate son el arte de utilizar escuadras y pelotones de soldados en el combate. Estas tácticas priorizan moverse detrás de líneas enemigas dejando pocas o ninguna huella mientras se mantiene una seguridad estrecha. Utiliza tácticas para destruir al enemigo ejecutando una emboscada perfecta.

Veteranos de operaciones especiales han escrito desde su propia experiencia con ejemplos de la vida real, el paso a paso de las tácticas que los soldados deben dominar. Este manual explica detalladamente cómo llevar adelante, desde la infiltración hasta una emboscada al enemigo y convertirlo en una misión exitosa.

Para explicar completamente cada idea, este manual cuenta con más de 170 imágenes a todo color. Los diagramas y las fotografías son fundamentales para aprender los movimientos físicos y las maniobras coordinadas. Estas imágenes son perfectas para los estudiantes que aprenden mirando y que están cansados de los muros de texto que aturden la mente.

Raid the Enemy

Small Unit Soldiers use the advanced tactics of Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) and Close Quarters Battle (CQB). These tactics prioritize swiftly moving into and out of enemy terrain to destroy, seize, and conduct information warfare.

Special Operations Veterans have written from their own experience with real-life examples, the step-by-step tactics that Soldiers must master. This manual explains in detail how to conduct a successful mission, from infiltration to raiding the enemy.

To completely explain every idea, this manual has over 320 full color images. Diagrams and photographs are critical to learning physical movements and coordinated maneuvers. These images are perfect for visual learners who are tired of mind-numbing walls of text. Visit for more details.

Ambush and Raid

Small Unit Soldiers use complex tactics and maneuvers to successfully ambush and raid the enemy. Each stage of a successful mission, from infiltration to attacking, requires professional skills and knowledge to flawlessly execute.

Special Operations Veterans teach these skills from experience using real-life examples in this combined printing of the two manuals, Small Unit Tactics and Small Unit Raids. The topics include: Transportation to the Objective, React to Enemy Contact, Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT), Close Quarters Battle (CQB), Exfiltration, and more.

This book has over 500 full color images. Diagrams and photographs are critical to learning physical movements and coordinated maneuvers. These images are perfect for visual learners who are tired of mind-numbing walls of text.